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ОФФЕНБАХ - "Les Contes d`Hoffmann" / Covent Garden DVD
Опера "Les Contes d'Hoffmann" Жака Оффенбаха с участием Placido Domingo, Luciana Serra, Agnes Baltsa, Ileana Cotrubas. Запись из The Royal Opera Coveny Garden, 1981 г...
Seeking to exorcise the failure of his current love affair, the poet Hoffmann tells the tales of his three past loves - the doll-like Olympia, the high-class courtesan Giulietta, and the ambitions but delicate Antonia - and recalls how each was thwarted by the evil influence of his rival. In this production by the distinguished film director, John Schlesinger, with spectacular designs by Maria Bjornson and William Dudley, Offenbach's nightmare world is Brought to life. The all-star cast is beaded by Placido Domingo as Hoffman: his three loves are lleana Cotrubas, Agnes Baltsa and l.uciana Serra and the manifestations of his rival are sung by Geraint Evans, Robert Lloyd, Siegmund Nimsgern and Nicola Ghiuselev. The score, which includes such favourites as the "Barcarolle" and the "Doll's Song", is conducted by Georges Pretre.
год выпуска : 2009 лейбл : NVC ARTS производство : Россия стили : Опера звук : DD 2.0 формат экрана : 4 : 3 продолжительность : 150 минут другая информация о диске : DVD-9, регион: 2-6 наличие на складе : уточните пожалуйста
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420 руб.
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ВЛАДИМИР ВЫСОЦКИЙ - Антология. Подарочное издание на 22 CD